Christopher Nolan Under Fire After Naming 'The Best Actor Of The Generation'
Christopher Nolan Under Fire After Naming 'The Best Actor Of The Generation'
Fans of other iconic under-50 actors are fuming after Nolan announced his choice.
Kate Winslet: ‘Being Famous Was Horrible’ After Titanic
Kate Winslet: ‘Being Famous Was Horrible’ After Titanic
Not everyone does well under pressure.
How Much Does Tom Cruise Make For a Word in a Movie? More Than You Thought
How Much Does Tom Cruise Make For a Word in a Movie? More Than You Thought
The biggest paycheck always goes to the biggest Hollywood star.
6 Biggest Sci-Fi Movies of 2023 to Stream on Netflix in February 2024
6 Biggest Sci-Fi Movies of 2023 to Stream on Netflix in February 2024
From Zack Snyder's new setting to the return of the Spy Kids adventures.
Why Was The Sims Movie Cancelled? Blame This Michael Fassbender's Box Office Flop
Why Was The Sims Movie Cancelled? Blame This Michael Fassbender's Box Office Flop
A bad movie can be the death of a potentially good movie in the future.
Newest Ghost Rider Update Has Ryan Gosling Fans All Hopeful 
Newest Ghost Rider Update Has Ryan Gosling Fans All Hopeful 
It might finally be time Nicolas Cage passes his curse down to the next generation.
10 Tarantino-Approved Films You Need to Watch (And Yes, Top Gun Is On The List)
10 Tarantino-Approved Films You Need to Watch (And Yes, Top Gun Is On The List)
You won't find a more polarizing figure in Hollywood than Quentin Tarantino – some people love him, some people hate him, and his violent and extremely funny movies are often the subject of huge debates about whether they're bad or not.
Captain America: Brave New World Update Reveals OG Avenger's Return
Captain America: Brave New World Update Reveals OG Avenger's Return
Mark Ruffalo confirms that he will reprise the role of the Hulk on the big screen after a five-year hiatus.
10 Darkest Scenes in Disney Movies Enough to Ruin Our Childhood
10 Darkest Scenes in Disney Movies Enough to Ruin Our Childhood
Kids' minds are very impressionable and fragile, so things that won't corrupt the sleeping patterns of adults may have a lasting impact on younger humans. 
9 Action Movies Tried To Copy Nolan's Dark Knight and Failed Miserably
9 Action Movies Tried To Copy Nolan's Dark Knight and Failed Miserably
The phrase "Christopher Nolan is a genius" is thrown around a lot these days, and while the director has his detractors, the majority of cinephiles and critics stand by it.