
Zack Snyder Claims Audience Wasn't Smart Enough To Get His DC Movies

Zack Snyder Claims Audience Wasn't Smart Enough To Get His DC Movies
Image credit: Legion-Media

The viewers didn't realise that it was "deconstructivist" and "heavily layered."

Directing is an extremely tedious job. Only one person is fully responsible for the movie, its construction and production.

In case of failure, it is the director who is being roasted by the majority of the viewers, but there is also the other side of the coin – make a good movie and you will be idolized.

Ordinary viewers easily divide the directors into "good" and "bad," discarding the "bad" ones, and watching only "good" directors' movies. But many directors can't be categorized, and one of them is Zack Snyder.

Snyder has good movies outside of DС, like Dawn of the Dead, but his fate with superheroes is more than questionable.

While Zack Snyder's Justice League became literally legendary, his Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was panned by almost everyone.

According to the director himself, the audience simply could not understand his intention and the multi-layered narrative:

"I feel like a lot of people went into the movies for going like, 'Oh, it's the superhero romp, right? Let's have fun with it.' And we gave them this sort of hardcore deconstructivist, heavily layered, experiential modern mythological superhero movie that needs…that you really need to pay attention to."

Most of the criticism of Batman v Superman came down to two simple points – unrealistic expectations and disagreement with the director's vision.

Batman v Superman elicited the full range of emotions – from outright boredom and sadness to admiration for the special effects.

Hollywood has filmed stories about Batman and Superman numerous times, but Snyder managed to make the most pretentious one.

Everything speaks of the grandeur of the idea: the running time of up to two and a half hours, the fantastic budget of $ 250 million, and the attempt to delve into the past of superheroes almost to their infancy, and large-scale special effects.

However, the story itself turned out to be not so epic, and the script was so weak that with all the other advantages, Batman v Superman became one of the most disastrous projects of the director.

But well, according to Snyder, it's all our fault and not his.

Source: The Direct