Which Schitt's Creek Quote Are You, According to Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Schitt's Creek Quote Are You, According to Your Zodiac Sign?
Image credit: CBC

Astrology much, David?

It’s not like we’re out to put labels on people based on their zodiac signs – as any diligent Schitt’s Creek enjoyer, we like the wine and not the label. Still, here is your little Schitt’s Creek motto, according to stars themselves.


“Lick rust! Thank you.”

Aries are famous for their no-BS attitude. If you’re not on their side, licking rust is their best advice – and note how polite of them it was to thank you afterwards!


“Why should I be the only one encumbered with this emotional cargo?”

Why, indeed? Next time you Tauruses wonder that (in a signature Moira Rose voice), remember that you are a grounded and calm sign – and if there’s too much emotional cargo, you should do your best to make yourself as carefree as possible, as soon as possible.


“This wine is aw-ful! Give me another glass.”

Oh, the duality of the Geminis! Next time you’re halfway through a very questionable fruit wine, ask yourself: aren’t you actually enjoying this God-awful wine?

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“If there is anyone at this fabulous little confab who knows how to work a room of fragile egos, it’s me. I once hosted the non-televised portion of the People Choice Awards.”

Cancers are loyal and protective, but when it comes to acting when necessary and standing up for themselves, they are never holding back. Got a fragile ego? Stay away from Cancers, then.


“I don't skate through life David, I walk through life, in really nice shoes.”

Alexis Rose has managed to take Leo energy and stuff it into one simply sentence, and she looked good while doing it. You’ll never catch a Leo skating through life. Walking. In really nice shoes.

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“I’m only doing this because you called me rude, and I take that as a compliment.”

Notoriously stubborn Virgos will never back off, and this quote by Stevie might as well be their motto. On the other hand, now you know how to make a Virgo do something for you…


“There is nothing wrong with asking for what you deserve.”

Libra is a balanced sign that has it all together. They know their worth, and like Alexis Rose, they’re not afraid to stand for it. No more, no less.

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“You know, being approachable isn’t that important anyway, The Queen hasn’t smiled since the ’70s, and her birthdays are still very well attended.”

Hey Scorpios, is this David Rose quote your life motto? There’s no need to answer, we know it is. This Water sign couldn’t care less about being approachable or not hurting someone’s feelings. Yet, people are still attracted to them…


“Oh, be careful, John, lest you suffer vertigo from the dizzying heights of your moral ground.”

Sagittarius folks would never bother themselves with being overly diplomatic, so if you’re trying to mentor them, you might as well quit it and go find somebody else to teach lessons. If you’re a Sag, you’re smart and assertive, and you always use a chance to show it off.

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“Oh, I’d kill for a good coma right now.”

You Capricorns can be a tad bit pessimistic every now and then, can’t you? This Moira Rose quote resonates with you on a deep level; fortunately, you always find energy to bounce back. But first, a good coma.


“How was I to know you were in peril? You keep everything inside, like a bashful clam!”

If Aquarians feel attacked after having this quote attributed to them, it only proves us right. We know you are so very mysterious and complex, but your secrets are sometimes way too safe with you. Talk to people. At least sometimes!

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“What you did was impulsive, capricious, and melodramatic. But, it was also wrong.”

Pisces are unapologetic drama queens, but here’s a hint: sometimes, melodrama is indeed wrong. Listen to Moira Rose, she knows what she’s talking about (although she may not care, so you might as well go on and be yourself).