Which American Horror Story Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Which American Horror Story Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Image credit: Legion-Media

There are so many characters on the show that you could be several at once, but we have chosen the best representatives of your sign.

Aries — Madison Montgomery from Coven

Both Madison and Aries possess a bold and assertive nature and are not afraid to take charge and get what they want. Like Madison, Aries often shows a strong sense of confidence and wants to lead.

Never cross their paths if you don't want to end up getting crashed or kissing their shoes.

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Taurus — Lana Winters from Asylum

Practical, steadfast, and unwavering, Taurus individuals can relate to Asylum season's determined journalist, Lana Winters.

Like Lana, Taurus has a strong sense of determination and resilience in the face of adversity and is always ready to adapt to any environment and navigate their way through any difficult situation.

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Gemini — Bette and Dot Tattler from Freak Show

Like Bette and Dot, Gemini has a dual personality and is a mix of charm, intelligence, and adaptability. While Bette represents the outgoing and expressive side of Gemini, Dot represents the more introverted and logical side.

Both of them perfectly capture the essence of the multi-faceted nature of Gemini.

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Cancer — Tate Langdon from Murder House

All Cancers have that fine line between being the pure soul and the Antichrist at the same time that is too easy to cross. Just like Tate, Cancerians have a complex and mysterious character that you never know when they will explode.

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Leo — Elsa Mars from Freak Show

Charismatic, dramatic, and attention-seeking, Leos can relate to the larger-than-life personality of Elsa Mars.

Elsa is also confident and fiercely protective of her "family" of performers, and these traits perfectly match Leo's confident and protective nature, known for loyalty and devotion to loved ones.

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Virgo — Brooke Thompson from 1984

And it has nothing to do with Brooke being a virgin that season. Over the course of the season, Brooke is portrayed as a responsible and level-headed character, who maintains a calm and collected demeanor even when faced with life-threatening situations, which makes her a perfect fit to represent the Virgo gang.

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Libra — The Countess from Hotel

Known for their charm, grace, and appreciation of beauty, Libras value balance and harmony and are often seen as social butterflies with a love of luxury and indulgence.

Like Libras, the Countess has a strong appreciation for aesthetics and surrounds herself with opulence and luxury, even in a place as murderous as the Hotel Cortez.

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Scorpio — The Butcher from Roanoke

Mysterious Scorpios are known for their strong wills, and The Butcher's resolute and relentless nature is in keeping with this trait.

Like Scorpios, she is fierce in the pursuit of her goals and has a commanding presence that demands the respect and loyalty of those around her. And you know what happens when you disobey a Scorpio individual.

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Sagittarius — Jimmy Darling from Freak Show

Sagittarians are often seen as free-spirited and open-minded, with a desire to explore the world and embrace new experiences.

Like Jimmy, they crave freedom, both physical and emotional, and desire independence in every aspect of their lives.

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Capricorn — Lee Harris from Roanoke

With her focus on family protection and problem-solving, Lee Harris is the perfect Capricorn representative.

With her careful analysis and strategic thinking, she is able to adapt to challenging situations and navigate her way through them with skill. If you want to get out of the mess like Roanoke, always stick with the Capricorn individual.

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Aquarius — Mallory from Apocalypse

As a young witch with a natural talent for magic and great strength in her powers, Mallory fits perfectly with the Aquarius' tendency to innovate and embrace the unknown.

Just like Aquarius, Mallory has a humanitarian side and a desire to have a positive impact on society and the protection of others.

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Pisces — Misty Day from Coven

Pisces individuals are often described as dreamers and mystics, and Misty is a perfect reflection of this aspect of the sign, with a mystical aura and connection to the spiritual realm.

Her empathy and compassion for others, especially animals, make her a natural healer and someone who seeks to bring comfort to those in need, just as Pisceans do.

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