Was The Walking Dead's Negan Truly Worthy of Redemption?

Was The Walking Dead's Negan Truly Worthy of Redemption?
Image credit: AMC

Is Dead City trying to make us forget about Negan’s past?

The Walking Dead concluded more than a year ago, but the story is now set to be continued in numerous spinoff shows.

Negan has now become a major player in those spinoffs. Once a total bad guy, he went through some serious character development in the later seasons of the original show. And now, in Dead City, he's still trying to make up for his past and find redemption.

The redemption of Negan has been a hot topic of discussion among fans. The question of whether he deserved a chance at redemption has stirred a lot of controversy.

From a moral standpoint, some argue that every life has potential and nobody deserves to die. This perspective suggests that even Negan, despite his past actions, could have the potential for change and redemption.

However, from a legal perspective, Negan's actions might have warranted a death sentence. He committed numerous atrocities, including the brutal killings of fan-favorite characters. Some fans believe that these actions were so heinous that they are unforgivable and make Negan irredeemable.

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Another perspective to consider is the character's personal growth and change. Some fans believe that Negan saw the error of his ways and genuinely changed. They argue that while his past actions are unforgettable, it doesn't mean he's unredeemable.

This perspective suggests that redemption isn't about what someone deserves, but about their capacity for change and growth.

In Dead City, Negan tells Maggie that he had to be the monster only when he absolutely had to be one, to protect his people. Thus, Dead City’s creators are convincing us that Negan wasn’t bad during TWD’s seasons 6-8, he was just doing what he had to do.

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However, there's also a strong argument against Negan's redemption based on his treatment of women. He had multiple wives and subjected them to abuse, actions that some fans find unforgivable. This perspective suggests that Negan's character is irredeemably evil.

Some fans have pointed out that Negan's redemption arc was handled differently in the comic books compared to the TV show.

In the comics, Negan was never outright forgiven. He was allowed to live out his days in peace, having seen the error of his ways and changed. However, most people didn't forget what he had done.

Source: Reddit