This Plothole in Young Sheldon Will Have You Shook

This Plothole in Young Sheldon Will Have You Shook
Image credit: CBS

Season 6 is coming to an end, and we already have season 7 confirmed. Life couldn't be better, except for this possible plothole…

Fans are getting more and more worried that the Young Sheldon writers have made Sheldon too likable and normal, and that he does not exactly resemble our beloved weirdo from The Big Bang Theory. Is that really so?

Some say that if season 7 of the series is going to be the last, it is simply too late to show how Sheldon got to his older version's state of being, so the writers will just have to leave it up to our imagination.

If we do not get to see how Sheldon got to be so… well, Sheldon, we are suing!

Other fans say that young Sheldon is already demonstrating signs of his "damaged" personality.

For instance, when his niece is being born, Sheldon seemingly can't care less and is just walking around and whining that someone should take him to the university.

Pretty standard self-centered Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory behavior, right?

People also point out that the (sadly imminent) death of his father probably plays a huge role in making Sheldon who he is at the beginning of The Big Bang Theory.

Others disagree, saying that Sheldon is not that good at processing emotional stuff and that George is not really a big part of his son's childhood life, so for Sheldon "there is not much to miss." Ouch, that is cold!

There is also a popular fan theory that has been around for years – Sheldon is not just socially awkward but is a special kid who may be on the spectrum or have Asperger's syndrome.

Fans have also said that he does exhibit a lot of symptoms commonly associated with ASD. For example, in one of the episodes Sheldon gets fixated on the fridge making a different sound that no one could hear and goes "to extreme lengths to fix it" (hypersensitivity, fixations, and obsessive behavior are right there!).

The writers have repeatedly denied these claims, but to no avail – fans can be persistent.

Are young Sheldon and adult Sheldon similar enough, or can they potentially become? Who knows. Plothole or not, let's just see what season 7 brings us. Maybe all of our theories will get bazinga-ed real soon?