This Forgotten MCU Show Has Everything Phase 5 Lacks, But Everyone Ignores It

This Forgotten MCU Show Has Everything Phase 5 Lacks, But Everyone Ignores It
Image credit: Disney+

Five years after its premiere, this series still remains a forgotten gem of the Marvel Universe — and if you want a quality MCU show, it’s exactly what you need.

Marvel has been bombarding the audience with numerous projects in the past few years: endless shows, movies, cartoons, and even podcasts (oh hi Flash). Apart from the general superhero exhaustion this approach caused, it also resulted in some amazing gems going under the radar thanks to all the mediocrity around them.

What would you say if we told you that back in 2018, Marvel released a great TV show that’s deeply connected to the rest of the MCU but takes a more grounded and dramatic approach, has a spectacular New Orleans setting, and…went borderline unnoticed by the audience despite being everything Marvel fans have ever wished for?

The show is called Cloak & Dagger, and here’s why you should totally watch it.

First of all, it’s masterfully intertwined with the greater Marvel Universe while maintaining its primary focus. The majority of Marvel side-projects should take notes from Cloak & Dagger: this series is filled with smart and subtle Easter eggs and references to events and entities from the main titles, and they don’t look fake at all.

Second of all, it builds upon the recurring background theme of many other projects: the Roxxon corporation. This large, corrupt, and greedy company was mentioned in a plethora of shows and movies as it was manipulating the global economy to its own ends. Cloak & Dagger put the dirty corporation directly under the spotlight.

Third of all, it’s not a generic superhero show. While many other projects focus solely on the shiny caps and lasers, Cloak & Dagger is more of an actual drama, and the superhero theme is more of a backdrop to real-life issues. Also, the show completely avoids the annoying clichés that come to mind when the main characters are teens.

This Forgotten MCU Show Has Everything Phase 5 Lacks, But Everyone Ignores It - image 1

Fourth of all, and we’re going to wrap it up with this, Cloak & Dagger is a genuinely well-made and unique Marvel series that embodies most things fans strive for. It’s unfortunate that such a gem went completely under the radar and got canceled, but even today, five years after its premiere, it’s still great, and you should totally give it a chance.