This Character is Peak Targaryen, According to Reddit

This Character is Peak Targaryen, According to Reddit
Image credit: HBO

There has been much debate across social media (Reddit especially) in recent months about who is the most Targaryen of all the Targaryens. And several of them have a strong case. But surely the mantle of 'Peak Targaryen' must go to Daemon.

Some fans disagree and say the title should be bestowed upon Dany. And she certainly displays many of the traits you'd be looking for – she's a conqueror, she rides dragons, she's into a bit of blood magic – and, of course, she has sex with her nephew.

Now, Daemon was never going to be king, but that's not to say he doesn't display kingly qualities. In fact, you could argue that he is the force behind Rhaenyra's reign. After all, she even tells Daemon that she needs him as she is no longer equipped to take on Alicent alone.

He won the war for the Stepstones and frequently displayed both a ruthless streak and a pride in his family that permeated the Targaryen dynasty. It was this that made him want to marry Rhaenyra – and that relationship was another box ticked in peak Tararyenness!

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When it comes to the Dance of the Dragons – a major battle in the history of Westeros – it was Daemon that led Rhaenyra's men to glory. He was the commander-in-chief and a proven leader in battles. He rode a dragon. And he orchestrated the whole victory.

He also understood that it was necessary to bring House Targaryen together and give it the strength to become the dominant family.

Other Taragryens who get a notable mention in the discussions include Jon Snow – although he has also been described as "the least Targaryen" of them all and really isn't in the running. Likewise, Jaehaerys was put forward. Now, he is a king with many great qualities. But does peace, calm, and forgiveness really scream Targaryen?

One name worthy of consideration is Aegon the Conqueror. He was a fierce fighter, commanded by respect and boasted a largely peaceful reign. He even married both of his sisters. And he rode Balerion.

It was Aegon who created the Kingsguard after attempts on his life. And this is in many ways why Daemon just pips him to the post. Aegon rode the biggest and best dragon of all time. He had a powerful army. And he was a true conqueror.

Daemon, on other hand, had far less to work with and yet still achieved great things. Which is why, for all the suggestions made, the general consensus always comes back to the decision that Daemon is 'peak Targaryen'.