The Vampire Diaries: 5 Elena Gilbert's Worst Plot Holes Fans Are Still Confused About

The Vampire Diaries: 5 Elena Gilbert's Worst Plot Holes Fans Are Still Confused About
Image credit: The CW

Plot armor had to be strong at all times for Elena to survive.

Elena Gilbert is the character that everyone who was present on the internet in the 2010s knows. Love her or hate her, her name, her face, and her various make-out scenes with the Salvatore brothers would cross everyone's path.

If you watch The Vampire Diaries, though, you know all the issues fans of the show have with her. Personality aside, Elena's story was full of plot holes, some of which weren't addressed and still confuse viewers to this day.

Here are the top 5 questions about Elena Gilbert's storyline that still don't have answers.

Why did Elena's compulsions never go away?

If the show cared enough to follow its own lore, Elena's compulsions should have been undone, just like Stefan's. But that never happened, no memories of her misdeeds were restored, and no one seemed to care enough to go after her for revenge.

How did no one notice Katherine?

Technically, this is a plot hole for both Katherine and Elena, since it was Elena's body that Katherine slipped into to stay alive. In her usual fashion, Katherine wasn't even bothering to cover up and pretend to be Elena, so it's a mystery how no one noticed the switch.

What made Elena able to resist The Travelers' spell?

Just like any other doppelganger, Elena shouldn't have been able to fall out of love with Stefan and fall in love with Damon. But that happened, so it clearly means that she is special in some way. Not that any of The Vampire Diaries fans would argue with that, but at least some sort of explanation would be nice.

How did Elena's blood cure Stefan?

We all want to believe in a "power of love" kind of story, but The Vampire Diaries has once again largely contradicted its own lore with this storyline. Normally, it would take an entire body's worth of blood to cure a vampire, but in the case of Elena's blood, one syringe was enough.

And finally, how did Elena get into pre-med school?

While the show was on the air, many of her fans were in various stages of education themselves, so it was easy to come up with something extremely unbelievable. For someone who spent so little time actually studying in high school, it was a miracle that she graduated at all, let alone that she had a sudden interest in medicine.