The Outlaws’ Jessica Gunning Addresses Concerning Baby Reindeer Parallels

The Outlaws’ Jessica Gunning Addresses Concerning Baby Reindeer Parallels
Image credit: Amazon Prime Video, Netflix

The resemblance is uncanny.

One of the greatest fears of many actors is being typecast after a successful role. It just so happens that after seeing an actor do a great job as a certain character once, casting directors all over Hollywood want them to do the same thing again and bring the same level of success to their project.

Sometimes, however, the similarities between two characters an actor plays are nothing more than coincidence. Such is the case with Baby Reindeer star Jessica Gunning and the obsessive personalities of her characters in other series.

Is Jessica Gunning in The Outlaws Season 3?

Of course, after Jessica Gunning's brilliant performance in the black comedy-thriller Baby Reindeer, which blew up the top of Netflix and stayed there for weeks, audiences were looking for more TV shows and movies starring the actress. And to the viewers’ surprise, there weren't too many options.

Although Gunning's acting career began more than a decade ago, her filmography consisted mostly of episodic roles on TV shows from Doctor Who to Jericho. But one project, the 2021 British hit The Outlaws, stood out from the rest, as she got the regular role of Diane Pemberley, the Community Support Officer.

The Outlaws’ Jessica Gunning Addresses Concerning Baby Reindeer Parallels - image 1

Speaking to TVInsider about returning to The Outlaws after the blasting success of Baby Reindeer and Diane's path for season 3, Jessica Gunning was also prompted to comment on a parallel many fans have noticed between her characters. Diane's obsession with Lucy and Martha's stalking are certainly not on the same level, but may be similar in nature.

“Oh gosh, I hadn’t noticed those parallels. Maybe I’ve found my niche! I don’t see many similarities, I have to say, apart from maybe my laugh is sometimes the same,” the actress said.

Whether this is a specific niche Gunning will explore in the future or just a coincidence, it makes both projects even more fun to watch. The lack of similarities in other areas may even be a blessing in disguise, as every Baby Reindeer viewer needs something fun to cleanse their palate and stop the haunting anxiety that comes with the show.

Season three of The Outlaws will be available to U.S. viewers on May 31, so get your Prime Video subscription ready and dive back into the chaos of Bristol's Community Payback Center.

Source: TVInsider