
The Flash Spoils What Could Have Been Its Best Surprise Cameo (And It Turns Out Cringe)

The Flash Spoils What Could Have Been Its Best Surprise Cameo (And It Turns Out Cringe)
Image credit: Legion-Media

The rumors have been confirmed, but that's not what most fans want.

In April, there was a rumor that Nicolas Cage would play Superman in The Flash. The actor was set to play Clark Kent in Tim Burton's 1990s Superman Lives, but the project was canceled.

Now, in an interview with Esquire Middle East, Andres Muschietti said that this is true – Cage's Superman will indeed appear in The Flash:

"Nic was absolutely wonderful. Although the role was a cameo, he dove into it. I dreamt all my life to work with him. I hope I can work with him again soon. He is a massive Superman fan. A comic book fanatic."

The Flash, played by Ezra Miller, will travel through the multiverse in the new movie. Cage's Superman will be a resident of one of the alternate realities, who is expected to fight a giant spider, which is a reference to the canceled movie.

Producer Jon Peters wanted the finale of Superman Lives to include a fight between Clark Kent and a giant spider.

As screenwriter Kevin Smith once said, Peters didn't want Superman to fly and wear red and blue tights. However, Peters disputed Smith's words about flying and a superhero costume.

Many fans agree that the director has already given away too much information about the movie, and if this is a publicity stunt to increase interest in the movie and thus the number of tickets sold, then it looks strange at the very least.

Besides Cage's Superman, Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton's Batmans have already been confirmed to appear and they're can be seen in all the trailers.

Michael Shannon has also been confirmed to reprise his role as General Zod from Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.

Many also complain that they did not want spoilers, but now it is simply impossible to avoid them – news of Cage's and other actors' appearances in The Flash are literally in every feed.

According to some fans, The Flash is trying to replicate the Fast X method, when some character appearances were revealed, which helped boost the movie's box office.

Other fans admitted that they were disappointed that Nicolas Cage would perform a cameo, calling his Superman cringey, as they dreamed of seeing Henry Cavill in this role.

We will find out soon if there are any unspoiled cameos left in the movie –The Flash will be released in theaters on June 16.

Source: Esquire Middle East