Stranger Things Finale: One Character Death May Hit Robin Really Hard

Stranger Things Finale: One Character Death May Hit Robin Really Hard
Image credit: Legion-Media

We're just preemptively scared for everyone.

One Stranger Things theory that recently surfaced on Reddit focuses not on the return of old enemies or the introduction of new ones, but on the potential impact of a new character's fate on one of the main protagonists.

As fans eagerly await the release of Stranger Things season 5, theories and speculation abound on what will happen next to beloved characters and the ups and downs of their adventures in the supernatural town of Hawkins, Indiana.

The theory revolves around Vickie, a supporting character who was introduced in season 4 as Robin's new love interest.

However, she only appeared briefly and had little interaction with the other Hawkins heroes. Some fans believe she will play a larger role in the finale. However, the twist is that Vickie may be possessed by Vecna (aka 001).

The theory notess that the Duffer brothers, the creators of Stranger Things, have a history of incorporating gay subtext and themes into their works, and that Robin's character arc has already established her as a queer character who has found a connection with another woman.

The theory is that Vickie's possession would not only raise the stakes for the group and give them a new challenge, but also give Robin a chance to shine as a character.

As Vecna enjoys feasting on the inner traumas and hidden fears of his victims, he is likely to exploit the fact that Robin is gay and turn her secret into a torture.

Therefore, having Vickie be possessed by Vecna and potentially sacrifice herself for the safety of the group would not only add to the tension and drama of the season, but also give Robin a space to explore her own feelings and relationships.

Fans generally agree that Vickie will have an expanded role in the show, and that she may feel uncomfortable because of her orientation as the series takes its time in the 80s.

However, viewers doubt that she will be the one to fall victim to Vecna in the finale.

Of course, as with any fan theory, there are many unknowns. But the suggestion does raise some interesting possibilities for the future of the show.

Will Robin finally find a stable and fulfilling relationship? Or will she be able to cope with the loss of a loved one? Only time and the Duffer Brothers will tell.

The series finale is expected to air in 2024 or 2025.

Source: Reddit