Sorry, Delena Fans: 5 Reasons The Vampire Diaries’ Damon Is the Worst Boyfriend Ever 

Sorry, Delena Fans: 5 Reasons The Vampire Diaries’ Damon Is the Worst Boyfriend Ever 
Image credit: The CW

If Damon relationship with Elena made you go "aww," you're not going to like what we have here.

In the early episodes of The Vampire Diaries, Damon Salvatore seemed to be an attractive anti-hero, the complete opposite of his younger brother Stefan. And while we have seen the other, more positive side of the vampire over the course of the series, it's still hard to call Damon a good boyfriend, let alone a perfect one.

1. Damon is a master of manipulation

To Damon, people are pawns that he uses for his own purposes. For example, in the first season, Damon controlled Caroline's mind, drank her blood, inflicted pain, and forced her to watch over Elena. He even turned Vicki Donovan into a vampire out of boredom. But most tellingly, Damon had no remorse for his crimes.

2. He killed people Elena cared about

Damon claims to love Elena, but he spends the first half of the show deliberately doing things that hurt her. When Elena sent Damon away in season two, the vampire killed her brother Jeremy (thank God, the guy was wearing an immortality ring).

3. He keeps secrets, even from his girlfriend

Counting on Damon to tell you an important secret or share his experiences is a mistake. He hid the fact that he was bitten by a werewolf from Elena for a long time, and in the third season he did not share any information with her about Stefan going missing. There are countless moments throughout the seasons when Elena suffered from Damon's secrecy.

Sorry, Delena Fans: 5 Reasons The Vampire Diaries’ Damon Is the Worst Boyfriend Ever - image 1

4. He did not give Elena the right to make a choice

Damon has always made decisions for Elena. Unlike Stefan, he never listened to her, thinking he knew what was best for her. A prime example of his self-centered love was when Damon force-fed Elena his blood before she was to participate in Klaus' ritual and die as a human.

5. He dated Elena's best friend

Is this point even worth commenting on? Starting a relationship with someone your friend really liked just some time ago is not the best choice. And if Caroline from the show quickly changed gears and forgot everything, that does not usually happen in real life.

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