
Simple Reason Why Avengers: Infinity War Is the Worst Marvel Movie Ever

Simple Reason Why Avengers: Infinity War Is the Worst Marvel Movie Ever
Image credit: globallookpress

No, we don't mean Gamora's death(s) or Doctor Strange's dumb move. We are talking about something else entirely.

In Avengers: Infinity War, we finally learn where and what all the Infinity Stones are, and we witness Thanos collect them one by one, and no one can stand in his way.

The Avengers are essentially powerless, and their mission to stop Thanos is doomed.

Ever since we have found out what all the Infinity Stones can do, fans have been obsessed with the theory that Heimdall, the Guardian of the Bifrost Bridge, is or has the Soul Stone. It would make so much sense!

We know that Heimdall was this all-seeing and all-hearing Asgardian who kept watch over "nine realms and ten trillion souls" (not people or beings – souls).

His eyes turned orange (the color of the Soul Stone) when he used his powers (which no other Asgardian had, by the way). One of his armor designs also had an orange gem embedded in the chestplate.

Need any more proof? In Age of Ultron, Thor had a prophetic dream about the fall of Asgard, and Heimdall was blind there (as if the Soul Stone had been taken from his eyes).

That part never got any proper explanation in the MCU, and it could have.

It was all coming together so nicely… until we found out that the Soul Stone was on Vormir the whole time, and Heimdall had nothing to do with it.

Marvel missed out on such a perfect opportunity to explain this major character's powers and utilize him further in Infinity War that we just can't forgive whoever is responsible.

Though the initial theory has crumbled, fans still believe that there is a connection between the Soul Stone and Heimdall.

Perhaps, Heimdall was merely cursed (or blessed?) by the Soul Stone, which is why he could only see into nine realms (and not everywhere).

Or maybe Heimdall managed to get his hands on the Soul Stone at some point, but eventually decided to give it up, thus gaining only some of its power, and not all of it.

Whatever the case, until we receive some kind of official confirmation from Marvel, we can theorize all we want. In our headcanon, Heimdall did have a history with the Soul Stone in one form or another.