Remember Scott's Tots in The Office? Here Are 3 Even More Cringey TV Moments

Remember Scott's Tots in The Office? Here Are 3 Even More Cringey TV Moments
Image credit: CBS/NBC

There are several ways to create an iconic moment that will live rent-free in fans’ minds.

Making someone cringe is also a thing. When characters from our favorite shows make us feel embarrassed, we relate to them even more. We think no one would argue with us when we say that The Office 's Michael Scott is the king of cringe-worthy moments.

There were just so many things he did to earn that title. The infamous Scott's Tots were at the top of the list, but the road there was paved with every "that's what she said" joke and every Ryan comment and so many more scenes that there's no point in listing them.

But still, even if Mike and his behavior tops everything, that doesn't mean there aren't other characters ready to make us feel uncomfortable every single time we see them on-screen.

1. Ross Crushes On His Cousin (Friends)

Frankly, this storyline from season 7 episode 19 was quite embarrassing in general. The episode is called The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin, and you probably remember what happened there.

Monica and Ross' cousin Cassie came to stay with Monica and Chandler for a few days because of the wedding. But Chandler couldn't handle how beautiful she was and stared at her stupidly, so they decided to have Cassie stay with Ross. Oh, they shouldn't have done that...

Crazy Ross also fought to be near the beauty queen, but went too far in his madness, deciding that Cassie was coming on to him one night, and he made a move to kiss her... But what was even more painful to watch was his attempt to explain everything... Just ew!

2. Drunk Sheldon Gets Online (The Big Bang Theory )

We have had a lot of moments over the 12 seasons of the show where we have been embarrassed by Sheldon's actions. But this time, he actually topped them all. Drunk Sheldon is, in fact, the most unexpected kind of Sheldon you could ever imagine.

Season 3 episode 18 titled The Pants Alternative gives us an opportunity to see the genius totally wasted and embarrassing himself on stage, while receiving the Chancellor's Award for Science.

He started drinking before his acceptance speech to boost his courage, but ended up joking inappropriately, singing, and finally taking off his pants. To make matters worse, people recorded his shenanigans and put it all over the Internet. Way to go, Sheldon!

3. George Invites Himself Over to the Movie Night (Seinfeld)

Seinfeld is the real treasure trove of embarrassing moments, you can easily find something awkward done by every character of the show in every single episode. But George Costanza was the one nobody could top, not even Kramer (how ironic, huh?).

In season 6 episode 5, George's new girlfriend wanted him to join her book club and read Breakfast at Tiffany's, but he decided it would be better to rent the movie. But when he got to the video store, he received some bad news: another family had already rented it. And what did he do? He just found their address and went there uninvited to watch the movie with the random family on their couch...

The scene is awkward for everyone involved, except for George, but oddly enough the family was kind of okay with him watching the movie. Well, until he spilled juice on their new couch and got kicked out of the apartment.