Main Character of Doctor Who Spin Off Revealed

Main Character of Doctor Who Spin Off Revealed
Image credit: BBC

Fans are already taking bets on which other characters might make a comeback.

Ever since the Doctor Who distribution deal with Disney Plus, news has been circulating about spin-offs of the famous British TV series that will be part of an expanded Whoniverse.

Now it has been confirmed that one of them will focus on Kate Stewart, portrayed by Jemma Redgrave, a Chief Scientific Officer at UNIT, and her leadership of the organization, much to the delight of fans.

Main Character of Doctor Who Spin Off Revealed - image 1

UNIT is an international military organization that operates under the auspices of the United Nations. Along with Kate Stewart, they have made recurring appearances throughout the show's run.

Fans are excited to see one of their favorite characters get her own spin-off series.

As Reddit user BurlyNerdGetsTheWorm put it:

"I definitely rolled my eyes at another franchise talking about universe building. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Chronicles, Class, etc. were fine, but I never had anything close to the affinity I hold for Doctor Who. But Kate Stewart?

I can definitely get behind that one. She was one of the best parts of the Chibnall area and left me wanting more every time she had an appearance. Between her appearances in Zygon Inversion and Flux it became very apparent that should could hold her own as a protagonist."

Fans are also actively making predictions about who else might appear on the show. One of the most popular picks is Martha Jones, a companion of the Tenth Doctor.

Since she was previously involved with the organization, her appearance is considered quite likely, although fans wonder how they'd explain Martha's husband Mickey disappearing off the face of the Earth.

They also want to see more former companions appearing more frequently in both the main series and the spin-offs, as well as UNIT becoming more competent and not being as useless as they are now, always getting into trouble when the Doctor isn't around to help them.

The release date and the official name of the series have not yet been announced.