
James Gunn Says Actors Auditioning for New Superman Are 'The Best He's Ever Seen'

James Gunn Says Actors Auditioning for New Superman Are 'The Best He's Ever Seen'
Image credit: Legion-Media

The new DC co-CEO hypes up the currently undergoing Superman auditions by praising the brilliance of the actors that have joined the process this weekend.

With Superman: Legacy being the first movie of the brand-new DC Universe led by its new head James Gunn, the audience is dying to learn who will take over Superman and Batman ’s capes after Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck. James Gunn doesn’t want to let this information slip too early but does his best to keep up the hype.

It’s common knowledge that the auditions for the new Man of Steel have been going for quite some time now, and we’ve even shared some of the scoops about who could potentially inherit Cavill’s red cape. None of those rumors have been either confirmed or debunked by James Gunn himself, so it’s not clear how correct they were.

For a change, this time, Gunn actually benefits from the circulating rumors and speculations. The complete reboot of the DC Universe is a massive undertaking, and the director needs to hype it up as much as possible — admittedly, that’s the reason he not only doesn’t bust those scoops but even adds some to fan the flames.

The new DC co-CEO has been feeding the public the tiniest details about the Man of Steel auditions and his plans for the movie; for example, he recently claimed that Superman: Legacy will have an entirely unique, never-before-seen aesthetic to it. This time, Gunn casually addressed the greatness of the auditioning actors.

“Amazing amazing weekend of auditions for Superman: Legacy. I’m blown away by some of these actors, among the best I’ve ever seen or worked with,” wrote the director on Bluesky (an upcoming “new Twitter”).

Much like the previous ones, this post doesn’t give us all too much information but definitely keeps the hype for Superman: Legacy up. We’ll just have to wait and see who those actors were if even James Gunn considered them “the best he’s ever seen.” This man worked with the industry’s finest, after all, so we’re very curious now.

Source: James Gunn