Is Elizabeth Ruining When Calls the Heart? Fans Weigh In

Is Elizabeth Ruining When Calls the Heart? Fans Weigh In
Image credit: Hallmark

It's up to the writers to steer the When Calls the Heart ship in the right direction. But one thing's for sure: after Season 10's episode 11 they've got some serious explaining to do.

But what happens when a beloved character starts to lose their charm? Fans of the Hallmark Channel's hit series When Calls the Heart are asking just that as they witness the transformation of Elizabeth Thatcher, played by Erin Krakow.

Remember the Elizabeth who left Hamilton to come to Coal Valley? She was an adventurous woman, ready to take on whatever life threw at her. She was the kind of character who made you want to pack your bags and explore the unknown. "She was a breath of fresh air," says Reddit user Alarming_Paper_8357. But lately, it seems like the writers have turned her into a "miserable homebody," afraid to leave Hope Valley. What happened to the Elizabeth we fell in love with?

Love Life in Limbo

Elizabeth's romantic choices have been a wild ride in the last couple of seasons, to say the least. First, she definitively chose Lucas, and fans who were rooting for Nathan had finally started to accept it. But then, out of nowhere, she breaks off her engagement with Lucas.

"When you marry someone, you stand by them," argues Reddit user almx9. "It's infuriating to watch them erase 3 years of their courtship as if it was all a huge mistake."

If you thought Elizabeth's love life couldn't get more complicated, think again. Fans are now worried that she might end up with yet another Mountie. "I swear to God, if they stick her with yet another Mountie, I AM DONE with this show," exclaims Alarming_Paper_8357. It's like the writers are playing a game of romantic musical chairs, and the fans are not here for it, arguing that both Lucas AND Nathan actually deserve better than this.

Inconsistent Characterization

It's not just the love life; it's the overall inconsistency in Elizabeth's character that's driving fans up the wall.

"Is it really so hard to write good characters?" asks Reddit user kmmurr. "We're okay with historical and geographical inaccuracies. We're okay with unrealistic plots. But at least give us consistent and generally likeable main characters."

While the show continues to pull in decent ratings, one has to wonder if the inconsistent characterization of Elizabeth could eventually impact its viewership numbers. After all, a show is only as good as its characters, and if fans start to lose interest, it's only a matter of time before the numbers start to dip.

So, is Elizabeth ruining "When Calls the Heart"? The jury is still out, but the court of public opinion is leaning towards a resounding "yes." Fans are frustrated, confused, and some are even considering quitting the show altogether. Let's see how it goes in the season finale, "Starry Nights", out October 15, 2023.

Source: Reddit