If You Hate Liam, You're Not Alone: Even This B&B Star Agrees With You

If You Hate Liam, You're Not Alone: Even This B&B Star Agrees With You
Image credit: CBS

For years Liam's relationships with Hope and Steffy had been driving fans up the wall, and sometimes it feels like they finally had enough of Liam's not-so-healthy behavior.

It seems that even the actors on The Bold and the Beautiful are not immune to the twists and turns of the show's storylines. Scott Clifton, who portrays the character Liam, took to social media to express his frustrations with the direction his character has taken.

According to Clifton's Twitter account, he stated, "For the record: OF COURSE I want to choke Liam as much as y'all do. He's become a terrible person. But my job is to find a way to motivate and humanize Liam's choices. I can't change the story our writers want to tell; I can only try my best to make it evocative and real."

This statement has left fans of the show in a bit of a shock, as they are used to actors defending their characters, no matter what their actions may be. But it seems that Clifton is not a fan of the direction his character has taken, and he's not afraid to let the world know – admirable behavior in and of itself, don't you think?

Some fans have taken to social media to express their disappointment with Liam's actions and storylines, with one fan stating, "I've been a huge fan of Scott Clifton for years, but I have to say, I'm not a fan of the way Liam has been behaving lately. He's become a bit of a villain, and I just can't root for him anymore."

A lot of B&B fans agree that Scott Clifton is an excellent actor and a sweet, honest person, but the writers of the show have really taken his character in a direction that is not likable. All that is left for the fans is to hope they change things soon.

Is should be noted, though, that some fans are actually liking Liam's flawed persona, noting that he has made mistakes on the show that viewers can learn from. They appreciate that the character's relationships are portrayed as dysfunctional and not at all picture-perfect, as it helps them to understand their own relationships better and avoid similar mistakes.

With all the never-ending drama on The Bold and the Beautiful, it will be interesting to see how the writers choose to move forward with the character of Liam. Will they change course and make him more likable, or will they continue to take him down an even darker path?