
Hopes Are Low for Flash's Villain: Zod Has Disappointed Us Before

Hopes Are Low for Flash's Villain: Zod Has Disappointed Us Before
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Flash would sound a lot more promising if it didn't have General Zod in it. That guy has been known to bring the absolute stupidest ideas to life, so what can we expect this time around?

In 2013, the DCEU welcomed a new addition, Man of Steel. While it was a beautifully told story at the time, the movie's main villain was just "meh."

We are not hating on General Zod just for the sake of hating, but think about it.

Zod's plan never made any sense whatsoever. Other DC villains usually come up with clever schemes how to spread chaos, but Zod just wanted Krypton back (but he tried to achieve his goal without thinking things through).

After years of concocting the perfect plan, the General decided to terraform Earth.

What he failed to consider was that the process would mean the end of Earth's natural resources – no water, air, or food for the future masters of the planet. Who cares, maybe they didn't need any of it?

Even if that were true, the terraforming process would probably also kill all the humans, so no workforce either. General, you really should've used your little gray cells first!

Let's say Zod didn't care much about the Earth or its people – his plan would also cause his fellow Kryptonians to lose their superpowers since the key factor for them was the planet's atmosphere.

What made Superman Superman would no longer exist, and all the other Kryptonians would have to settle for mere metahuman abilities, but that's about it.

Now that we have refreshed your memory about how dim-witted General Zod actually is, ask yourself: could the last 10 years in the afterlife make him any smarter? Probably not.

It's highly likely that the new superteam would have to deal with more or less the same problem, and The Flash might not be as fascinating to watch as it could have been.

Unless, of course, they don't center the entire movie around Zod's evildoings.

We still have a month to go before the movie comes out, so let's keep our fingers crossed that Zod doesn't ruin the whole thing for all of us.

Thinking good thoughts only!