Game of Thrones Star Goes Against Everyone, Praises the Hated Finale

Game of Thrones Star Goes Against Everyone, Praises the Hated Finale
Image credit: HBO

This iconic actor knew to expect mixed reactions to the finale and loved every second of it.

Enough has been said and written about the notorious Game of Thrones Season 8 throughout the past five years. Anticlimactic, disastrous, “we have hundreds of thousands of fan signature on a petition to reshoot this sh*t with a proper ending,” and many other names it has. Neither fans nor actors liked what Benioff and Weiss did with the iconic TV show’s finale, but what’s done is done.

By the way, not everyone hated the ending. There’s at least one star who loved it!

The Grey Worm Loved the GoT Finale

Once Season 8 was out, the Internet was flooded with pictures of Game of Thrones actors looking devastated after reading the finale script. Over the years, some of them actually spoke up against it; others didn’t. But very few GoT stars openly admitted to liking the ending, and their thin ranks just received another soldier!

Or rather, an entire Unsullied.

“As soon as we got the scripts, I was like, this is going to be some real marmite. People are going to either love this or hate this. And for me, I find that really exciting. That's my favorite kind of thing. When you're like, ‘This shouldn't work’ or ‘This feels risky.’ It feels kind of punk to just throw the rule book out,” Jacob Anderson told Men’s Health recently.

Anderson Knew the Finale Would Be Hated

Game of Thrones Star Goes Against Everyone, Praises the Hated Finale - image 1

Despite personally being an enthusiast of Benioff and Weiss’ infamous “subverting the expectations” approach, the Grey Worm star understood that for many fans, the finale would prove heartbreaking. That didn’t bother him much, though: with a show as grand as Game of Thrones, there’s never been an option to please everyone.

“I understand why people were disappointed with certain things, but I thought it was a pretty fun way to end it, to be honest. <...> There's a little demon in me that when I read the Season 8 scripts for Game of Thrones, I was like, ‘Cool, let's go. Let's do it,’” the actor admitted.

The hundreds of thousands of people who were actually signing the reshoot petitions would have definitely disagreed with Anderson, and the online rage against the notorious Game of Thrones Season 8 is still somehow ongoing… But at least, now we know that there was one person on the set who was genuinely having fun with it.

Source: Men’s Health