Game of Thrones' Most Satisfying Arc Is Also Its Most Tear-jerking

Game of Thrones' Most Satisfying Arc Is Also Its Most Tear-jerking
Image credit: Legion-Media

Whichever house you supported, you can't deny one true hero of the series.

No matter how you felt about the ending of Game of Thrones, everyone has some characters and storylines that were precious to them throughout all 8 seasons.

Whether you were rooting for one of the Starks or betting on Daenerys, you can appreciate the truly epic moments the other parties had.

However loyal you may have been to certain characters, think again because we are about to introduce you to a true Game of Thrones hero.

This boy started out very low but showed such dedication and bravery that he ended up as a Kingsguard and an honorary war hero.

He stood by his allies, was loyal from beginning to end, and suffered much trauma, but never once thought of betraying them.

Meet Ghost, arguably the only character in Game of Thrones who was never driven by ambition and always strived for the greater good.

As unfortunate as it is, Ghost didn't have as much of an impact on the main story as fans had hoped from the beginning.

From a technical standpoint, both options of shooting with the real wolves or adding them via special effects weren't ideal for the production.

The decision to go with the more time-consuming but less dangerous option led to the great disappointment that all Jon Snow fans had to endure in the end.

When Jon left without giving Ghost even the slightest rub, the hearts of thousands of fans were broken and never healed.

For many viewers, this moment, as well as the cold explanation that followed, showed just how little the production team cared about portraying the characters as they should be:

"Even though he was stabbed in the heart he most probably has the biggest one in the whole story. It simply wasn't in his character not to say goodbye," Redditor ruskwan100 expressed their disappointment in this decision.

Unfortunately, there is no way for Ghost and the other direwolves to get justice except through the art and fanfiction that loyal GoT fans create to this day.

If you are in the mood to re-watch the series, you can do so by streaming it on Max.