Game of Thrones' Most Heartbreaking Scene Had Its Star Crying On Set

Game of Thrones' Most Heartbreaking Scene Had Its Star Crying On Set
Image credit: Legion-Media

Let's face it: even though some scenes in Game of Thrones were almost unbearable to watch, we have no idea how hard filming them was for the actors themselves.

Among all the gruesome scenes in Game of Thrones, the Red Wedding is largely considered to be one of the most heartbreaking.

In one rather swift sequence, we've lost an entire huge political force — and quite a few beloved characters, too.

The brutality of the act was not helping, either: we're still shaken when we remember how poor pregnant Talisa Stark was repeatedly stabbed in her womb to death.

When the episode first came out, though, it was a massive shock for the fans. Even considering the general brutality of Game of Thrones, the Red Wedding took it to the next level at that point in time.

As well as it shocked the audience, it shocked the cast, too.

Richard Madden, better known to the GoT fandom as Robb Stark, recently revealed how terrible the Red Wedding was for him.

This scene was the last featuring his character, and after shooting it, he left Game of Thrones for good, moving on to different projects.

It was at the premiere of his new TV series Citadel that Richard shared his experience with the Red Wedding.

"I remember a lot of crying because, at the end of it, I was going to be apart from my family that I had lived with for five years — my on-screen mother and my wife and this crew that had spent a lot of time together, so it was traumatic not only to shoot but traumatic because I was losing my family," the actor told Variety.

Apart from dying as a character, it turns out, Richard himself died inside a bit as Robb Stark's death meant that the actor had to say goodbye to the team and the cast he'd been close to for years by then.

It's not surprising that Madden cried because of it: many actors do when their presence in a long-running franchise ends.

This revelation only shows that on-screen deaths carry more weight in real life than we typically think. While a viewer loses their favorite character, an actor loses themselves — especially, if they've been playing the role for a long time.

Source: Variety