Game of Thrones: 5 Characters Who Would've Fit the Iron Throne Just Right

Game of Thrones: 5 Characters Who Would've Fit the Iron Throne Just Right
Image credit: HBO

Any GoT fan could name at least a couple of characters better than Bran to rule the Seven Kingdoms. We’ll name five — and no, they are not Daenerys or Jon Snow.

5. Tyrion Lannister

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Back when the game of thrones was still raging in Westeros and on our TVs, Tyrion Lannister was one of the most popular candidates for the Iron Throne among fans. Sharp and cunning but also empathetic and kind, Tyrion had everything to become a great King — including his track record of effectively ruling as the Hand previously.

Tyrion’s charisma, strategic mind, and sympathy for those less fortunate made him a compelling and semi-obvious choice, but he had issues, too. The most important one was the lack of respect he commanded since many people misjudged him from the get-go which would have severely undermined Tyrion as the ruler of Westeros.

4. Lord Varys

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The Spider has pretty much the same things going for him as Tyrion Lannister. A brilliant mind and an experienced game of thrones player, Lord Varys knew the inside of the Seven Kingdoms’ political life as the back of his hand and had access to the most relevant information and rumors thanks to his countless informants.

But eunuchs don’t command much respect among warriors and arrogant lords, and manipulating every last person in Westeros was never going to be an option. Additionally, Varys lacked his friend’s noble origins which would have made him even lesser in his subjects’ eyes. But at least he genuinely cared about the people!

3. Ned Stark

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An unlikely choice but a valid one, Ned Stark had many things going for him. A member of an ancient House of Westeros, Ned was well-respected by most people in the realm and had proven his ability to maintain peace and stability. Better yet, he was loved by his people as opposed to, say, Tywin Lannister, who ruled by fear.

Unfortunately, Ned was killed too early to even get a shot at becoming the new King — and even if he had one, he would’ve been unlikely to take it. Furthermore, Ned Stark was too honest and noble for his own good and never realized that the principles that worked in the North could never work in King’s Landing’s politics.

2. Renly Baratheon

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Sharp, handsome, and charming, Renly Baratheon could have been just the man to lead the Seven Kingdoms into prosperity. A smooth talker and a diplomat, Renly never resorted to unnecessary violence and judged people for who they were rather than what colors they wore. He could have become a noble and just King.

Renly Baratheon lacked the many sins of his elder brothers, Robert and Stannis, but still was considered a sinner by many due to his sexual preferences. This fact alone would have undermined his reputation significantly or become a blackmail leverage. But Renly also had another issue: he often failed to take serious business seriously.

1. Margaery Tyrell

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Young lady Margaery was everything Cersei Lannister tried to be. Just as talented and capable when it came to politics, Margaery Tyrell was also universally loved by the people. Her popularity and charm would have made her the perfect ruler, and the diplomatic approach coupled with Lady Olenna’s advice was a great backbone.

Margaery was smart and calculating, but she also cared about the people, and everyone knew it. She could find an approach to the most twisted individuals as seen in her relationship with Joffrey Lannister, and she knew how to rule and make the right calls. We would call Margaery Tyrell the perfect candidate for the Iron Throne.