
Double Trouble: The Chamber of Secrets Could Leave Us With Two Dark Lords

Double Trouble: The Chamber of Secrets Could Leave Us With Two Dark Lords
Image credit: globallookpress

Lord Voldemort has been the terror of Magical Britain for many years.

Even when he was supposedly dead, most people would still be afraid to say his name, replacing it with a euphemism… Now, what if we told you that at one point in time, we could have ended up with TWO Voldemorts for the price of one?

Voldemort was known for many things: being the worst psycho-terrorist in the history of Great Britain, creating an entire cult of himself, murdering innocent people left and right, and even being the most charming fellow in the Slug Club back in his days…

But he definitely wasn't known for creating a clone army. So how is it possible for him to duplicate?

Remember Tom Riddle's diary in The Chamber of Secrets? It was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes which contained the memories and psyche of his younger self.

As the shadow of 16-year-old Lord Voldemort explained to Harry, he was supposed to be fully revived after he's taken all life from Ginny Weasley.

This effectively meant that we'd have ended up with not one but two Dark Lords roaming the world, which is unsettling, to say the least — and the process of his revival was near completion when Harry stopped it.

Apart from this sinister possibility, there's another question: how would the further events have unfolded?

Bear with us: there's one shadow of Voldemort chilling somewhere in Albania, and there's his young version in flesh and blood literally inside Hogwarts.

The young Riddle would've had infinite opportunities to learn what has become of his main part without being detected by the older teachers and Dumbledore. And then what?

He could've either started his own way to becoming the Dark Lord once again or gone off to Albania to find the other part of his soul. The latter appears more intriguing, because, technically, the young Voldemort was more than the old one.

The diary was Riddle's first Horcrux, which means it contained one-half of his initial soul. At the same time, the "real" Voldemort was a mere fraction of that, having split himself in half seven times.

Hence, the young Tom could've probably found a way to consume the fleshless spirit that his older version was… Or he could've revived it and put the wizarding world to the real test — double Voldemort means double trouble.

Honestly, if no one's written a piece of fanfiction about this, please do so. The possibilities are truly endless in this scenario.