
Creepy and Disturbing Harry Potter Detail We Wish We Never Noticed

Creepy and Disturbing Harry Potter Detail We Wish We Never Noticed
Image credit: Legion-Media

In Harry Potter, some things only start making sense after you've grown up, and many of them are truly disturbing. This one we totally regret noticing, to be honest.

One of the most popular topics for discussion in the Harry Potter community is ethics.

Surely, the Wizarding World is riddled with things that are questionable in their nature: there are Love Potions, Polyjuice Potions, Legilimency, the Imperius Curse, Invisibility Cloaks, and many more creepy stuff that's totally not innocent.

As if all those rather common artifacts, potions, and spells were not enough, there's also the matter of unique things no one truly knows the limits of.

In the Wizarding World, people just kind of roll with the existence of weird stuff and don't even try to figure out its properties — and Arthur Weasley's sentient car is the least of the problems.

Recently, we noticed the most disturbing thing about Mad-Eye, also known as Alastor Moody, or rather, about his magical eye.

It perfectly falls into the category of unique artifacts of unknown origin, and while people are very accustomed to the former Auror having this weird all-seeing eye, it has dark secrets in itself.

In The Goblet of Fire, the real Moody is invited to teach at Hogwarts but is replaced by a Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr. (thanks to the Polyjuice Potion we already mentioned) who wants to get close to Harry Potter.

Despite being a fake, Crouch Jr. still decides to perform the original's duties and teach the kids.

At the Yule Ball, Crouch-Moody — who's currently using the magical eye — makes a remark that goes largely unnoticed: he compliments Harry's socks that are completely covered by his boots and robes.

Harry reacts lightly and wholesomely replies that those are his buddy house-elf Dobby's gift without seeing any issue.

The only person who realizes what this remark truly means is Parvati Patil. She immediately points out just how creepy that is and questions why Moody's magical eye is even allowed. No one supports her, and too bad for them: Parvati is right.

Alastor Moody's magical eye allows him to see right through clothes! This is a terrible thing in itself, being able to see anyone naked at your wish without them knowing.

This is an even more terrible thing when an eye that allows that belongs to a teacher of a bunch of underage boys and girls. More so when you remember that the person using the eye in the school was a psychopathic Death Eater.

If this somehow wasn't bad enough for you, we'd like to remind you of Harry Potter's first class with Crouch-Moody: JKR specifically mentions that the Death Eater was intensely staring at Lavender Brown.

Now you know what Crouch Jr. was really doing there… And we can only guess how many underage students he watched naked over the entire year he spent at Hogwarts. Gross!