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Coldest Office Meme Sums Up LotR in a Nutshell

Coldest Office Meme Sums Up LotR in a Nutshell
Image credit: Legion-Media

Have you ever wanted to combine universes as unlikely as The Lord of the Rings and The Office? Probably not, but if you are a fan of both, you simply must see this fan's meme. We promise it is gold!

Remember the parkour scene in the season 6 episode, Gossip, where Andy, Michael, and Dwight are on the truck, and Andy outlines his four-step parkour plan that fails miserably?

In the scene, he wants to jump onto the refrigerator boxes (which are supposedly full of stuff), proceed to the dumpster, do a 360-degree spin onto the pallets, and then backflip into the trash can.

Andy yells, "Parkour! Parkour!" (which later becomes his most famous line) and starts the sequence. However, he doesn't take into account that the refrigerator boxes are empty, so he just falls through them. That must have hurt!

Anyway, now that we are all caught up, let's get to the meme itself. One fan perfectly summed up Gandalf's plan to get to Mount Doom where the One Ring was forged and where it could be destroyed.

Gandalf (Andy in the scene) suggests going through Moria, visiting Galadriel, knocking on the Black Gate, fighting the Orcs, having a second breakfast at Barad Dur, and finally arriving at Mount Doom.

What could possibly go wrong?

Just like Andy in the scene, refrigerator boxes or Moria end up being Gandalf's final destination. Unlike Andy, Gandalf actually dies in Moria (for 20 days, but still).

The meme would have been perfect if it weren't for one little detail. Fans were quick to point out that Gandalf didn't actually want to go through Moria.

Instead, he was forced to come up with the travel plan for the Fellowship after Frodo decided to pay a quick visit to Moria. Still, technically, it all fits!

Gandalf may have said, "Fly, you fools!" when he told the Fellowship to run for their lives in the original scene, but now "Parkour, you fools!" seems even more appropriate, don't you think?

We never knew we needed a crossover between The Office and The Lord of the Rings, but we are thankful that this hilarious meme exists!