AHS Could Rise From The Ashes On One Condition (And It's Not Casting Kim Kardashian)

AHS Could Rise From The Ashes On One Condition (And It's Not Casting Kim Kardashian)
Image credit: Legion-Media

The show's saving grace is the secret ingredient that was present in the first four seasons.

The twelfth season of Ryan Murphy's famous horror anthology is about to begin.

Each season of American Horror Story has a theme based on classic horror stories and urban legends, and the show usually features the same actors in completely new roles each time.

However, the new season, titled Delicate, will feature a brand new member that literally no one expected to see on a show of this nature.

Kim Kardashian will be one of the main stars of season 12. The pop culture icon and star of reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians will be acting alongside Emma Roberts.

Sad as it may be, the popularity of the once sensational horror series has waned with each new season.

The casting of Kim Kardashian is probably intended to bring the ratings back up, because who can resist tuning in to see Kim in such an unusual setting for her?

However, it's not the unexpected casting choices, which may boost ratings for a few episodes but apparently will not work in the long run, that could revive the once prosperous show.

The formula for success must include Jessica Lange.

The actress who has become the soul and symbol of the franchise was originally only supposed to have a cameo in the first season.

Fortunately, Ryan Murphy quickly came to his senses and expanded Jessica Lange's role in Murder House. Her starring roles in the next three seasons only cemented her status as the project's main muse.

Her characters have always been characterised by their vibrant individuality and dramatic depth. Lange's excellent acting skills gave the horror series a real edge – Jessica's characters were always about empathy.

Each of her roles is also an example of a unique style: from the classic American housewife with a high, retro hairdo, to the deadly and graceful The Supreme Witch, who favours black and elegant styles.

However, Jessica Lange's time on American Horror Story came to an end earlier than fans would have liked – the actress left the project after season 4.

In season 8, Jessica decided to please all those who missed her on the show and returned – albeit in a tiny cameo role, reprising her role as Constance Langdon from season 1.

It was after Lang's departure that the show started down the slippery slope of fading fame.

It's safe to say that no other character on the show (with the possible exception of Sarah Paulson) comes close to the depth and versatility of Jessica's characters.

Since leaving AHS, the actress has had a less busy acting schedule, giving fans hope that she will eventually return to the show and bring back the good old atmosphere of the early seasons (and the ratings that went with it).