
After All These Years: 5 Harry Potter Hot Takes That Might Make You Undesirable #1

After All These Years: 5 Harry Potter Hot Takes That Might Make You Undesirable #1
Image credit: Legion-Media/globallookpress

The Harry Potter series has been around for so long that most of the time it feels like everything's been discussed a thousand times already, and it got really old.

Many of the series' characters even got old since the first chapter came out! But you know what never gets old? Seeing people start massive debates over and over again by rolling into the HP subreddit with a post labeled as "hot take"!

Today, we dropped by there and collected 5 controversial Harry Potter takes that allow for infinite arguments and debates!

Slytherin is overhyped

Slytherin has become the mainstream House ever since everyone decided that Gryffindor was lame. Considering the overwhelming love for "dark" characters, this take would've definitely put its author on the spot…

Kreacher is underappreciated…

…and he didn't deserve the terrible treatment he was getting from Sirius. No wonder he ended up messing his Master up! After all, Kreacher has an amazing redemption arc when the Golden Trio gets to know him better, being just a lonely old pal.

Fleur is extremely unlikable

Most people like Fleur, but she doesn't have much going for her other than her beauty and accent. She's snobbish and arrogant, which was shown multiple times, and has low morale, being the weakest Champion.

After All These Years: 5 Harry Potter Hot Takes That Might Make You Undesirable #1 - image 1

Why did Bill even marry her?

Hagrid is an awful person

If we forget his kindness towards Harry, what do we have? He's extremely irresponsible, he repeatedly endangers kids and always wants them to solve his problems (while he's like 50 years old!), and he never learns from his mistakes.

Draco deserved the Sectumsempra

People always act like Harry was so wrong for using Sectumsempra on Malfoy Jr., but there are two things they seem to forget: first of all, he only knew the spell was "for enemies," and second of all, he only used it after Draco tried to CRUCIO him!

The number of popular, unpopular, controversial, and traditional takes is overwhelming when it comes to the Harry Potter series.

But these few caught our attention since you don't hear them often. Let us know if you agree with them or if you have some hot takes of your own!