6 Biggest Vampire Diaries Plot Holes That Still Annoy Fans

6 Biggest Vampire Diaries Plot Holes That Still Annoy Fans
Image credit: Legion-Media

Even the most successful vampire show is not without its share of inaccuracies.

The Vampire Diaries undoubtedly became a cult series about supernatural beings, of which there were perhaps too many.

Such an abundance of different creatures required great care, as each of them had its own characteristics that had to be taken into account.

Obviously, the writers did not always succeed, and thus plot holes were created that still infuriate fans.

Crow and fog

In the first season, Damon demonstrates a neat trick – he can make fog and crows appear at will (a rather useless power, to be honest).

However, after the first few episodes, these powers seem to disappear completely, never mentioned again and never used in a similar way by Damon or any other vampire.

The older the vampire, the stronger he is

Throughout the series, fans have heard various characters say that a vampire's strength depends on his age – the older the vampire, the more his physical strength increases.

However, on more than one occasion, younger vampires were much stronger than older ones, which was never explained.

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Jenna was never on the other side

Jenna was killed because Klaus sacrificed her as part of his ritual to become a hybrid.

However, when the other side is revealed in later seasons, Jenna never appears there, even though absolutely all supernatural beings go there after death, and she had already turned into a vampire when she was killed.

Where did all the vervain come from?

Originally, vervain was supposed to be very rare, and the council of Mystic Falls carefully guarded its supply.

In later seasons, however, every human and vampire seems to be growing their own vervain bush so it can be used in drinks, ropes, and stakes.

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Katherine was supposed to be immune to vervain

Katherine has been taking vervain every day for a century and a half to strengthen her resistance – which is why the Salvatores can't use it on her in the episode where this revelation was made.

In later episodes, however, she is affected by vervain as anyone else.

Logan couldn't enter his house

Logan claimed that he couldn't get into his own house after he turned into a vampire because he lived alone and there was no one to invite him in.

However, Damon later kills the woman who owns the house where the vampires are hiding so that he can enter uninvited.

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