
5 Star Wars Planets That Would Look Breathtaking On Screen

5 Star Wars Planets That Would Look Breathtaking On Screen
Image credit: Legion-Media

There are many beautiful worlds in the galaxy far, far away that have yet to be seen in movies or TV shows.

The Star Wars franchise has introduced fans to countless worlds during its long run.

But even though a vast number of beautiful and unique planets have been featured in movies and TV shows, there are still countless others in the galaxy far, far away that have yet to make it to the big screen.

Here are five planets that are just begging for their chance to shine and take your breath away in their magnificent glory.

Nar Shaddaa

The "Smuggler's Moon," which orbits the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutta, has been mentioned several times in movies and shows, but is still waiting for its turn on the big screen.

Also known as "Little Corusant," it is a dark reflection of the galaxy's capital world and a center of illegal activity that attracts the most wanted criminals to its surface, which is completely covered by a massive city.


This oceanic world offers a stark contrast between its idyllic floating cities and sunless depths filled with primordial horrors. It is also the only source of Kolto, the galaxy's second most valuable medical substance after Bacta.

Korriban / Moraband

Although it appeared once in episode 13 of season 6 of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, this ancient Sith world is criminally underused.

Inspired by ancient Egyptian ruins, but with a dark undercurrent, this majestic planet has a number of memorable locations, most notably the Valley of the Dark Lords, which is the final resting place for a number of ancient Sith.

Dromund Kaas

This center of the ancient Sith Empire has yet to be reintroduced into the canon, and it should be.

While Korriban is barren, Dromund Kaas is teeming with life, but due to the influence of the Dark Side on the planet, it is full of extremely hostile creatures that lurk in its jungles.

Absolutely breathtaking in its dark glory, this planet needs to get back to us as soon as possible.


Belsavis is absolutely unique in its climate, as while most of its surface is covered in ice, there are patches of lush tropical jungle here and there due to geothermal activity.

It is also a prison planet, housing the most despicable criminals in the galaxy, as its unique climate makes the chances of survival outside of the warm spots quite low, preventing potential prison escapes.