5 Most Heartbreaking Deaths In Outlander, Ranked

5 Most Heartbreaking Deaths In Outlander, Ranked
Image credit: Starz

In terms of the number and brutality of the deaths, the series resembles Game of Thrones, which makes the plot more exciting, but leaves fans in tears every time.

Outlander 's popularity is not due to the fact that the series is filmed with high quality, which is no surprise to those who follow the premieres.

And not even due to a good-written melodramatic story by Diana Gabaldon, the author of the original books.

Outlander is the little sister of Game of Thrones. When honor, savagery and blood are mixed into one cocktail, beloved characters die and only those who are necessary to continue the plot survive.

5. Angus

After the victorious Battle of Prestonpans, the gruff, dim-witted, yet fan-favorite Angus sat by his friend Rupert's bedside while he recovered from his wound.

But because the stubborn Angus didn't get proper medical attention for his own internal bleeding, he suddenly collapsed and died, with even Claire unable to help him.

4. Alex

Black Jack's younger and kinder brother, Alex, was condemned not only to a fatal disease, but also to a boundless love for Mary Hawkins.

Before he succumbed to his illness, his dying wish was that his older brother would marry the love of his life, and then their unborn child would be protected by money and inheritance thanks to Jack's military history.

This terrible marriage gave Claire confidence in the continued existence of Frank, her husband from the future.

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3. Dougal

After Dougal overheard Jamie and Claire's plan to kill Prince Charlie to stop the Battle of Culloden, he tried to kill them for treason. But Claire and Jamie worked as a team and eventually stabbed and killed him.

This character, so beloved by fans, always walked the line between good and evil depending on his mood, but the look on his face as he died was unbearable as his beloved nephew was the one who dealt him the death blow.

2. Frank

When the final episode of season two began, viewers immediately found out that that Frank had died. We never got to see how Frank raised Jamie's daughter Brianna as his own, or how he helped Claire come back to life in modern times.

5 Most Heartbreaking Deaths In Outlander, Ranked - image 2

1. Faith

In one of the most heartbreaking episodes, Claire gives birth to a stillborn daughter and nearly dies from complications.

The events that follow are shown as flashbacks of Claire holding her dead child in her arms, all alone, while Jamie is in the Bastille for dueling with Black Jack.