5 Game of Thrones Characters The Show Did Extremely Dirty, Ranked

5 Game of Thrones Characters The Show Did Extremely Dirty, Ranked
Image credit: Legion-Media

It's sad that there are too many options for this list to pick from.

We all know that Game of Thrones has been more of a disappointment for many people, especially the book readers.

Although the series started out strong, with each passing season, the writing quality slowly went downhill, and many characters became victims of the story rather than the main actors of it.

Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done about it now. However, fans hope that the Game of Thrones precedent will encourage other showrunners and writers to pay more attention to character development.

Here are the top 5 characters who have suffered the most from the Game of Thrones writers' room.

5. Lord Varys

As amazing as he was at the beginning of the show, adding a lot of intrigue and intensity to the viewer's experience, his character began to lose value in the middle of his run.

It seemed as if the writers simply did not know what to do with him, and he gradually became useless as his information kept getting wrong.

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4. Euron Greyjoy

Although the character had an impressive run throughout the series, fans are mostly angry about his ignominious death.

It seems unbelievable that Euron, being the master swordsman that he is, couldn't fight Jaime Lannister with one hand. This character certainly deserved an ending of his level of danger.

3. Jaime Lannister

Is there a more annoying way to ruin the character than to send him back to his old ways in a matter of 15 minutes?

Fans are still not over how long he built his redemption arc away from Cersei, only to forget everything he learned along the way and go back to her at the end.

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2. Petyr Baelish

Littlefinger's arc has to be one of the most disappointing in the entire series. A character who is supposed to be the greatest manipulator of all cannot find a word or a way to defend himself in the eye of death.

Many fans also believe that his downfall is closely tied to the erasure of Jeyne Poole's role in Ramsay's storyline. In the end, Baelish just looks stupid.

1. Bran Stark

The character who made the finale so disappointing for many is Bran Stark himself. He had a pretty stunning arc in the books, but the show just failed to make it entertaining.

Many viewers just stopped caring about him halfway through and were upset to see the most boring character of all wearing the crown.