3 The Boys Characters Fans Believe Were Better In Comics Than In The Show

3 The Boys Characters Fans Believe Were Better In Comics Than In The Show
Image credit: Legion-Media

There is always room for improvement.

Although there's usually a big conversation about every single character ever adapted from book source to screen, that doesn't seem to be the case with The Boys.

With the source material being pleasantly low quality and soaked in genre hatred, it's not hard to gravitate more toward the TV show versions of the characters.

However, there are three of them that still cause controversy among fans, as some simply want to see them closer to their comic book versions.

The Deep

The character who was portrayed as really pathetic on screen was not much different in the comics.

However, there is one thing that fans of The Boys would like to see the TV show keep: his horrible costume with the big green boots, the short shorts, the golden belt, and of course the huge diving helmet with the small face window.

It would be unfair to hide Chace Crawford's beautiful face behind it all the time, but it would be great comedic relief if he wore it from time to time.

Little Nina

According to the majority of fan complaints, this character just wasn't portrayed as a believable threat.

Some were not really fans of the actress and thought there could have been someone much better for the part, while others thought the character wasn't made to seem dangerous enough on screen.

Whatever the reason, it was disappointing to see such an antagonist completely wasted.

Love Sausage

One of the characters that most would agree was done much better in the comics than on the show. Fans were disappointed to see him downgraded to the character we saw in seasons 2 and 3, but there is a perfect explanation for that.

As open as Amazon is to the craziest things with The Boys' production, they certainly weren't willing to glorify the Russian communist fighting a corporate conglomerate.