Zero Chemistry: 14 Least Convincing Couples in Film History
Zero Chemistry: 14 Least Convincing Couples in Film History
We love some good romance in the movies, but sometimes either the characters don't work well together, or the actors fail at selling their portrayal of undying love to us, and we encounter couples that feel absolutely fake.
12 Animated Films That Had Grown-Ups Sobbing More Than Kids
12 Animated Films That Had Grown-Ups Sobbing More Than Kids
Lots of the animated movies with a PG rating slapped on them seem to be targeted at the kids. At least, that's on the surface.
Top 10 Disturbing 80s Movies That Out-Creep Modern Horror Easily
Top 10 Disturbing 80s Movies That Out-Creep Modern Horror Easily
A lot of movie genres thrived in the 80s, and horror is one of these.
15 Times Supporting Actors Carried the Movie on Their Backs
15 Times Supporting Actors Carried the Movie on Their Backs
Sometimes, the side character becomes much more interesting than the lead one and ends up stealing the show.
Forget Brokeback Mountain, This Movie Is The Best ‘Forbidden Love’ Gem
Forget Brokeback Mountain, This Movie Is The Best ‘Forbidden Love’ Gem
Queer love stories also deserve to be at the center of attention.
10 Neo-noir Thrillers to Satisfy Your Craving for Dark Mysteries
10 Neo-noir Thrillers to Satisfy Your Craving for Dark Mysteries
If you are looking for stories with intense vibes and dark secrets, you will definitely find something to your liking among these ten movies.
Harry Potter: 7 Reasons Why Tom Riddle Jr. Was The Nicest Person In The Series
Harry Potter: 7 Reasons Why Tom Riddle Jr. Was The Nicest Person In The Series
As a community, we should stop vilifying Tom Riddle Jr. and appreciate his kind deeds — both for Hogwarts and for Harry.
This $553M Bruce Willis’ Hit Filming Was So Horrible He Never Worked with Its Director Again 
This $553M Bruce Willis’ Hit Filming Was So Horrible He Never Worked with Its Director Again 
The production of this movie was chaos from start to finish, but we know you love it as much as we do.
8 Times Harry Potter's Trelawney Eerily Predicted the Future, Ranked
8 Times Harry Potter's Trelawney Eerily Predicted the Future, Ranked
Professor Trelawney is known as one of the comic reliefs of the Harry Potter series, with her being clumsy, her voice having a weird pitch, and her antics quite unexpected for her new students.
15 Horror Movies Too Disturbing for Theaters That Got Banned
15 Horror Movies Too Disturbing for Theaters That Got Banned
The rating system should help people to stay away from the works that may be not for their liking: if you're not very good with over-the-top violence or too erotic scenes, you should avoid R-rated movies and anything beyond that.