14 Movie Stunts So Insane You Swore They Were CGI (But They Weren't)
14 Movie Stunts So Insane You Swore They Were CGI (But They Weren't)
We need to remind you that VFX departments consist not only of CGI specialists: some people work with props, with real explosives, with wires and safety nets and special easily breakable glass and some cool optical effects that help them deliver to you, the viewer, the coolest action you've ever seen in your life.
20 Most Bizarre Sci-Fi Movies of the 1980s (Yes, They Are Totally Bonkers)
20 Most Bizarre Sci-Fi Movies of the 1980s (Yes, They Are Totally Bonkers)
There's "good" weird, and then there's "bad" weird.
16 Rom-Com K-Dramas Overflowing with Feel-Good Moments
16 Rom-Com K-Dramas Overflowing with Feel-Good Moments
Rom-com K-dramas are like a warm cup of coffee on a rainy day, comforting and full of moments that make you smile; they're stories about love, friendship, and the little mix-ups that lead to laughter and sometimes, unexpected romance. 
The Best of British: 15 UK TV Shows You Can't Miss
The Best of British: 15 UK TV Shows You Can't Miss
These shows might not always make the biggest splash globally, but, not watching them, you are seriously missing out.
The Most Accurate Crime Movie Ever Made Finally Available on Netflix
The Most Accurate Crime Movie Ever Made Finally Available on Netflix
We can all agree that it's a great movie – but Goodfellas is also an authentic depiction of the lives of the gangsters it portrays.
This 97% Rated Taylor Sheridan Western Will Get You Through Yellowstone Withdrawal
This 97% Rated Taylor Sheridan Western Will Get You Through Yellowstone Withdrawal
Don’t rush to put your cowboy hats away.
10 Wannabe-Blockbusters of 2010s That Flopped Hard
10 Wannabe-Blockbusters of 2010s That Flopped Hard
That awkward moment when you were going for a billion at the box office but severely underdelivered — that's the story of the movies in this list.
10 Iconic War Movies That Even the Genre's Haters Should Watch
10 Iconic War Movies That Even the Genre's Haters Should Watch
The abundance of action movies being released every year made us, the viewers, quite desensitized to violence, as it is being portrayed as entertainment.
19 Iconic Characters You Didn't Know Were Based On Real People
19 Iconic Characters You Didn't Know Were Based On Real People
Although actors and directors get most of the credit for a movie's success, the screenwriter's job is certainly one of the most important in the making of a movie.
10 Great Fantasy Books Ruined by Terrible Movie Adaptations
10 Great Fantasy Books Ruined by Terrible Movie Adaptations
There's no genre of books more difficult to adapt to the screen than fantasy. After all, fantasy books are created by writers with the most outlandish imaginations, which makes translating their work to the screen an absolute nightmare for directors, production crews, and VFX artists.