10 Great Time Travel Movies of the 80s That Aren't Back to the Future
10 Great Time Travel Movies of the 80s That Aren't Back to the Future
The idea of traveling backwards or forwards in time, defying the laws of physics and common sense, has been obsessed with for centuries, with writers and even scientists exploring the subject and trying to come up with a realistic explanation for time travel.
10 Dark Fantasy Movies from the 90s That Became Cult Classics
10 Dark Fantasy Movies from the 90s That Became Cult Classics
Fantasy is undoubtedly one of Hollywood's most popular genres, and has been for as long as the movie industry has existed. However, while films like "Lord of the Rings" win Oscars and rave reviews left and right, the weirder and more insane fantasy films almost always remain underseen and hidden from the public eye.
The Only Movie Clint Eastwood Wishes He Never Made is Free to Watch Now
The Only Movie Clint Eastwood Wishes He Never Made is Free to Watch Now
'I was crazy enough to try anything.'
Kevin Costner Wasted 6 Years Chasing Clint Eastwood’s 96%-Rated Classic Western
Kevin Costner Wasted 6 Years Chasing Clint Eastwood’s 96%-Rated Classic Western
You can't always get what you want.
10 Best Disaster Movies from the 2000s That'll Leave You & Earth Devastated
10 Best Disaster Movies from the 2000s That'll Leave You & Earth Devastated
The 2000s gave us some of the best disaster movies in cinema history, so go grab your popcorn — the world is ending again.
Anya Taylor-Joy’s Horror Favorite Is a 90s Cult Classic With Brad Pitt
Anya Taylor-Joy’s Horror Favorite Is a 90s Cult Classic With Brad Pitt
And she seems to find comfort in the genre not only on the screen, but also at home.
Forget Clueless, Watch These 10 High School Hidden Gems from the 90s Instead
Forget Clueless, Watch These 10 High School Hidden Gems from the 90s Instead
In the 1990s, no genre was hotter than the high school drama, with dozens premiering every year. These films featured the full range of teenage archetypes - jocks, goths, rebels, and nerds - and yet the best films in this subgenre never descended into banality, and were able to speak candidly about the teenage experience even with the help of stereotypes.
10 Sci-Fi Fails from the 2000s That Became Fan Favorites
10 Sci-Fi Fails from the 2000s That Became Fan Favorites
Any real movie fan knows that the box office numbers that producers try so hard to beat don't really mean anything. Sure, it's nice for the production crew and producers to see their movie make a ton of money and make everyone rich and happy, but it's not really something that's required for the movie to be considered good. After all, almost all of the great European films that critics and fans are swearing by in 2024 are commercial failures.
Forget House of Cards, Here Are 10 Best Political Dramas of All Time
Forget House of Cards, Here Are 10 Best Political Dramas of All Time
While real politics is a little too boring to interest most people, who usually only care about presidential elections and do not even try to understand local ones, fictional politics is actually the complete opposite. Ever since Hollywood became a thing, directors have been making movies about politicians, journalists, and spies, and audiences have loved this political subgenre to death.
10 'Rotten' Films on Rotten Tomatoes That Are Secretly Masterpieces
10 'Rotten' Films on Rotten Tomatoes That Are Secretly Masterpieces
While Rotten Tomatoes is still a very popular site, with thousands of people relying on its reviews to decide whether a movie is worth seeing, it's quite apparent that many of the aggregator's past reviews have aged rather poorly. Critics and fans usually don't see eye to eye, and the fact that Rotten Tomatoes usually relies on the reviews of the former means that the site gets a lot of criticism from the fandom.